1,8 debtors struggle to pay their power and water bills

DEH has warned that if a debtor is proved to have been able to regulate his debts but hasn’t yet proceeded, then his electricity supply will be disconnected

Millions of debtors in Greece will face a  power outage and a water service interruption if they don’t  make a settlement payment until the 30th of September, according to the administrations of DEH and EYDAP.
DEH has called the debtors to participate in the settlement program for the arrears that can be paid off in 36 installments. The company has warned that if a debtor is proved to have been able to regulate his debts but hasn’t yet proceeded, then his electricity supply will be disconnected.
According to DEH’s data, until the end of August 350,000 customers had agreed to a payment plan of 1 million Euros in total. Customers with small debts haven’t yet contacted the supplier to pay fixed amounts over a period of time, relying on the social sensitivity of DEH, but that way they lose the 15% discount. Moreover, 1.230.000 customers with a debt below 500 Euros, 298.000 customers with a debt between 500 – 1000 Euros and 216.000 customers with a debt between 1.000 and 3.000 Euros haven’t yet set a payment plan.
The payment plan program of DEH has begun on the 1st of April, setting a 31 July payment deadline, but the Government extended the deadline to the 30th of September. If there won’t be another payment extension, then from the 1st of October, the previous payment method will return, according to which the debtors will have to pay the 30% of their debt in advance and the remaining amount in 8 installments.
The payment plan of EYDAP consists of 36 doses and exemptions of the interests, depending on the way that the debtor decides to pay off his debt. In order to access the payment plan program, your debt has to be over 60 Euros and the minimum amount of the dose has to be 20 Euros.