2015 the hottest year ever, say scientists

El Nino and man-made climate change cited as main reasons

July was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, according to scientists. Their predictions are even more alarming as 2015 will most certainly be the hottest year on record.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Administration (NOAA) said the average temperatures in July across the globe reached 16.61 C – 0.81C higher than the 20th Century average for the month.

Climate scientist Jake Crouch who world for NOAA says the data simply confirms common knowledge for climatologists that the Earth is warming. “The warming is accelerating and we are seeing it this year”, he said.

Nine of the ten hottest months since records have been kept by the NOAA in 1880 occurred have from 2005 onwards. According to the NOAA, the first seven months of 2015 have also been the warmest on record.

Speaking to the Associated Press, NOAA climate scientist Jessica Blunden said she was nearly 100 per cent sure that this year will be the hottest for the globe. The main cause for the rise of temperatures according to scientists is the man-made climate change and the strong El-Nino.

It should be noted here that there is no scientific consensus regarding the magnitude of the impact of man-made global warming. According to a NOAA report, the sea temperatures were the highest recorded ever. This latest data follows confirmation from NOAA and NASA that 2014 was the hottest year since records began.