After cat took shelter in a law firm, employees gave him an official job so he could stay

His badge lists his title as “Vigia da OAB,” which translates to “OAB watchman”

Felines can be incredible colleagues, even while you’re grinding away. You can find cats chilling in spots like book shops and bodegas—they simply become piece of the store, similar to a mascot.


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Recebi alta médica e descobri que estou sem minhas bolas. Égua!

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Dr. Leon, O Advogato (@dr_leon_advogato) στις

However, you wouldn’t hope to see them in progressively corporate, formal work environments like law workplaces. A feline most likely wouldn’t be permitted in a spot that way, isn’t that so? Yet, when they experienced an adorable stray, one Brazilian office chose to part from custom and make the feline one of their own. It all began one stormy night in February, in Amapá, Brazil.


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“Muitas vezes eu tentei fugir de mim, mas aonde eu ia, eu tava.” @tiriricanaweb

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Dr. Leon, O Advogato (@dr_leon_advogato) στις

A stray feline chose to take cover from the downpour and roar in the OAB building (the Order of Attorneys of Brazil, the nation’s equal to the American Bar Association). He loved it so much he chose to stay, and a significant number of the workers favored him.


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Essa postagem n° 100 tem um sabor especial!! Quem me acompanhou até aqui sabe o quanto esse crachá foi importante pra mim. Graças a ele, cresci saudável, amado e forte. Mas é hora de virar a página! Agradeço a todos que me seguiram até, mas é hora de se despedirem do pequenino Leon. Não, não fui demitido! 😹 Mas não sou mais um bebê! Fui promovido a CEO do INSTITUTO LEON DE DEFESA DOS ANIMAIS, agora sou de fato o Dr. Leon, e prometo ajudar os animais abandonados e maltratados de onde eu puder alcançar. Agradeço a confiança e o incentivo do Presidente e dos amigos envolvidos no projeto. Quer ser amiga(o) do Instituto Leon? Siga, marque seus amigos e aguarde a novidade de amanhã!! #InstitutoLeon

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Dr. Leon, O Advogato (@dr_leon_advogato) στις

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