Weirdest Sex Laws in the world! (pics)

Virgins not allowed to marry!!!

The enactment of laws in organised societies is usually the last step of conventions and customs finally being accepted as a norm. But when it comes to laws pertaining to sexual activities and conventions one would be surprised as to what laws actually exist in other countries. Here are some of those ‘weird’ sexual laws that probably put a little strain on a our rational faculties…

1. Hong Kong Adultery Laws

In Hong Kong a wife is legally allowed to kill her cheating husband. The only catch is that she is permitted to do so with her bare hands. Her husband’s lover may be ‘disposed of’ in any way….


2. Turkey’s Military Law

In Turkey serving in the army is mandatory for all males. Only homosexual males are exempt, as long as they are able to prove their ‘gayness’ with photos or video footage…


3. Animal Sex

In Lebanon men are legally allowed to have sex with animals, provided the animal is female.


4. Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Gynecologists in Bahrain are not allowed to examine a female’s private parts directly. They have to check them through a mirror.


5. Indonesian Masturbation

The penalty for masturbation is decapitation. Think….which head would you like to keep…


6. China Nudity Laws

In China, women are prohibited from walking around a hotel room in the nude. She may only be in the nude in the bathroom.


7. Swedish Prostitutes

In Sweden it’s illegal to buy the services of a prostitute, even though prostitution is legal! What??!!


8. No Marriage for Virgins

In Guam, there is a law that prohibits female virgins from getting married. This has given rise to a business where men go around deflowering young virgins so that they can get married.


9. No stripping allowed in front of a male photo…

In Oxford, Ohio it is illegal for women to strip off their clothes while standing in front of a man’s picture…