Discovered! What makes a perfect penis? – and other weird facts! (vid)

Finally, an answer to a question on the mind of (some) men since the first loincloth covered the male organ…

Since the dawn of time there have been a number of questions that piqued humanity’s interest. Scientists have now answered … one of these: What makes a perfect penis? Researchers at the University of Zurich asked women to describe what they considered to be the ideal male genitalia.

The study found that “general cosmetic appearance” is the most important aspect when it comes to what women value. This is followed by the amount of pubic hair, penile skin and girth.

It’s a “myth” that women consider size important, with penis length at number six — unless there is a “shyness” factor involved in answering the questionnaire.

Position and shape is one of the least important aspects.

To come to these conclusions, three researchers questioned 105 women from the ages of 16 (?!) to 45 years to investigate whether men with corrected hypospadias are perceived as normal. Men who undergo this procedure often consider their “member’s” appearance as “abnormal”, however, these findings show that they needn’t go through the procedure as the urinary meatus is insignificant.

CLICK HERE to read the full findings of the study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The study follows Elite Daily’s recent project that asked women to describe and then draw their perfect penis.

NOTE: If you are a woman and are asked by your partner to describe the perfect penis, the polite thing to do is to look your man in the eye and say, “Yours, of course!”

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