Greece’s election day at the focus of international media

Greeks are disappointed and go to the polling stations without a great interest in who will be elected, Le Monde reports

Le Monde

The French newspaper commenting the Greek situation noted that Greeks are disappointed and go to the polling stations without a great interest in who will be elected. Young people are mainly those who are mostly disappointed, as Le Monde states citing a frustrated young man who said that in previous elections he had voted Alexis Tsipras, but now he felt deceived.



Reuters mentions that Greeks are voting for whether they will give another chance to the Left.

“The Greek leftist former prime minister, who lost his bitter fight with Europe’s establishment to end harsh economic austerity against his country, seeks re-election a month after he resigned as prime minister”, Reuters writes.



“Voting process has begun in Greece’s general election, fifth in six years, with opinion polls indication a tight race between Syriza and New Democracy”, BBC reports.


Die Zeit

Die Zeit reports of a head-to-head matchup between SYRIZA and New Democracy noting that Europe is watching the election process with a great concern.