Greek teen wins first prize at Google's Science Fair for smart glasses for the blind

Greek teen receives first prize at Google’s Science Fair 2014 with his invention of smart glasses

16-year-old Angelos Getsis won Google’s Science Fair 2014 after creating a pair of smart glasses that can assist blind people navigating their way around the city. The young boy from Arta said that the glasses can be used to replace the walking cane.

Young Mr. Getsis says:

“My project seeks to improve on the methods that the visually impaired use to identify their surroundings. Generally people with visual impairments use outdated methods to identify their surrounding area. The main idea behind my project is that the user will wear a pair of goggles that use distance sensors to calculate the closest objects and warn the user of their presence.”

The vibrating glasses are made up of a microprocessor and other sensors that detect the position of the wearer’s head. The Greek teen hopes that the special glasses will be able to help blind people around the world.

The young boy received first prize at the Fair and his invention was also voted one of the six best projects presented in Europe and one of the 32 best projects globally.
