Latest poll: SYRIZA ahead of ND by 1 percentage point

68% of respondents given SYRIZA-AN.EL a negative rating

The latest opinion poll published this week gives previously ruling SYRIZA the support of 26 percent of respondents to 25 percent for rival New Democracy party, signaling a prospective “derby” for first-place.

The opinion poll was conducted by the Pulse firm and commissioned by the Athens television station Action24.

In terms of other parties, Golden Dawn follows with 6 percent of respondents’ vote; PASOK, Potami and KKE garner 5 percent each; the newly formed Popular Unity 4 percent and the previously marginal Centrists’ Union at 3 percent. The Independent Greeks (AN.EL) party posted a figure of 2.5 percent.

Parties must pick up 3 percent of the general vote to enter Parliament.

The undecided vote was recorded at 10.5 percent in the latest poll.

Moreover, 68 percent of respondents negatively judged that the seven-month coalition government, led by SYRIZA and with AN.EL as the junior coalition, with 28 percent expressing a positive view.