Mobile ticketing to come to Athens

Public transport ticket buying in Greece becomes easier

A huge problem on the Greek transport system is that it isn’t easy for people to find transport tickets as these are sold at select locations. Oftentimes commuters need to buy tickets off each other as there are no ticket conductors and drivers are not authorized to sell tickets. This inconvenience will soon be a problem of the past with plans that allow travelers to buy tickets via their smartphone or tablet through a free application known as TfA tickets.

Android or iOS users will be able to purchase these without waiting in lines or seeking selling points. The application will initially be available for tickets under five days duration. People will first need to fill out a profile the first time but once they log onto the system they will be able to buy tickets just by giving the CVV of their credit card.

The tickets will have the same prices as standard tickets sold at selling points and will be fast to activate. Proof of purchase will be sent to users’ designated e-mails. Mobile tickets will automatically vanish upon the termination of the ticket time.
