Nat'l Geographic: Ikaria model means lots of sex, wine and… napping

Author of phrase ‘the island where people forgot to die’ promotes new book: ‘The Blue Zones Solution: The Revolutionary Plan To Eat And Live Your Way To Lifelong’

National Geographic returned to a subject that created an avalanche of interest over the eastern Aegean island of Ikaria in 2012, a location which author Dan Buettner described as the “the island where people forgot to die.”

In an article now focusing on Buettner’s new book, “The Blue Zones Solution: The Revolutionary Plan To Eat And Live Your Way To Lifelong”, the author explains why the residents of Ikaria are “some of the healthiest people on the planet; why where you live and the company you keep, determine your longevity; and why we should all be having more sex.”

In one question, the magazine asks, “According to the Ikaria model, we should be having lots of sex, drinking wine and napping a lot. The Greeks are onto something, aren’t they?”

Buettner’s answer: “That’s not a hard sell, is it? (Laughs) But it’s actually true. If you’re napping 30 minutes a day, five days a week, your chance of heart disease is about one third lower than if you muscle through the afternoon. We know that people who are having sex after the age of 50, at least twice per week, have about half the rate of mortality than people who aren’t gettin’ it. We know that moderate drinkers actually outlive non-drinkers. Wine has high levels of polyphenols and antioxidants. The alcohol in the wine also helps lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress. If you drink a glass of wine with an Ikarian meal, it about triples the flavonoid absorption. It’s actually better to have a glass of wine with your meal than a glass of water. But not with your steak. That doesn’t work.
