Face emerges from Shroud of Turin — Many believers point to … Christ!

Latest in police technology looks at ancient shroud to recreate an image of what the Messiah looked like

The Shroud of Turin, the 4.4 meter-long piece of cloth that some Catholics believe was used to shroud Jesus Christ’s face and body, appears to show the imprint of a man’s face and body markings that would match those of a person who was crucified. Police investigators managed to take the markings and recreate the face of the figure depicted, reports the Independent.

Using computer technology created for criminal investigations Italian police were able to formulate a face using the imprint.  The same software used to catch criminals and mafia hit-men was used to uncover what the Messiah’s physical appearance would have been like.

They also took advantage of aging technology to create a new younger image of what Jesus — if the shroud was actually used to bury him — may have looked like as a child.

The investigation was used to mark the cloth’s public display for the first time in five years. The public will be able to visit the shroud for two months.


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