Schaeuble: Without the IMF in the Greek program we must have new negotiations

“Greece was offered to leave the Euro, but chose the long and hard way”


The German Federal Minister of Finance Dr. Wolfgang Schaeuble gave an interview to Süddeutsche Zeitung where he argues that the Greek program could continue in theory without the IMF. However, he points out that if the commitments are not respected from all sides then new negotiations will be needed with Greece.


Once more Schaeuble repeated that the Eurozones’ regulations do not allow countries to pay the debts of other countries, as it happens inside Germany, where the deficits of one constituent state can be covered by the surpluses of the others. Added that “Greece chose in 2015 a long and hard way to go instead of the alternative of leaving the Euro. Now we must insist on the application of the agreement. Otherwise, the Euro will not last in time with its current structure.