Scotland: Glasgow says Yes but No wins (Detailed Results)

There were narrow margins but the “No” votes won in a very close call – with No 53% and 47% for Yes

When 23 out of 32 regions in Scotland’s independence referendum had been announced, the No side had a lead and there was still no foregone conclusion. Glasgow put a dent in the side against Independence by voting 53.8% (Yes) in favor of independence and 46.2% (No) against. This noted a significant milestone.

Later, 29 of 32 councils reported the No side had captured 55 percent of the vote, compared to 45 percent for yes


YES: 4 districts

NO: 29 districts

The question asked was:

“Should Scotland be an independent country?”

The margin between the two sides was extremely close, but the first six of the 32 regions where votes were counted all went to the No column with Dundee and West Dunbartonshire becoming the first to break the cycle.


Flag waving as results are declared for “NO” –



Disappointment on the faces of “YES” supporters –

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Alex Salmond of the independence campaign says that the referendum is an

Alex Salmond of the independence campaign says that the referendum is an “opportunity of a lifetime”

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