SYRIZA central committee – part 2

The party’s committee is currently in session as from 09.00 am in the same stormy spirit

Following the completion of the talks, there will be a voting regarding the final outcome of the political decision and the relevant official document, as well as the election of the new General Secretary and the committee, whose members will be reduced.

SYRIZA leadership has proposed that the committee consists of 11 members, the President and the General Secretary apart. More specifically, 4 members deriving from the presidential wing, 4 from the leftist branch and a single member representing each of the party’s lower political trends. Up until last night there has been intense background talks and political deliberation as far as the eventual document of the political agreement and the members of the secretary committee are concerned.

What is more, the leftist branch’s intention was to deposit  its own amendment within the final document, thus stating its own, distinctive views. Nevertheless, there has been ongoing effort in order to come up with a unique, single document. The new Secretary is Mr. Koronakis, as most trends within the party converge to his selection.

During the first day of the committee’s assembly, there was sharp criticism concerning the Government’s negotiation with its EU partners in the Eurogroup agreement. Although the majority of party members seemed to sympathize with the predicament of the situation described by the PM in his opening speech, reservations were expressed, aimed mainly at two points, namely whether the final outcome was the best possible one and secondly what is to happen until June.

Yet, even those expressing their reservations and objections, seemed overall content with the PM’s standpoints. They hold the view that Mr. Tsipras will exert all its efforts so as to efficiently apply  his party’s program. It is also their view that he is willing to stand up to EU partners, to the point of a full blown clash should this be deemed necessary.

Furthermore, there is also overall content stemming from the upcoming Government decision not to bring the deal to the Greek parliament.