Why and how energy medicine may be highly effective

An article by Perizat Hamdy, master energy healing therapist, showcasing energy medicine techniques

By Perizat Hamdy

Everything in the universe is made of energy.Remember Einstein’s formula E=mc2. That is mass is a function of energy;from the largest Galaxies to the smallest articles/quanta/waves, all are alive and in constant motion due to the Universal energy field.

Thus we as people, are also made of energy which, to the naked eye, looks like compact solid matter. Ifhowever, we were to see our body through a microscope, we would perceive all the space and movement of energy in this seemingly solid body.

The universal energy field is what makes our body function.It is like the electric current that makes our heart beat, our lungs breathe, our blood circulate, and therefore our organs and other circulatory systems function. Scientists have ascertained that the heart by itself is not strong enough on its own to pump all this amount of blood circulating in our body.

The Japanese, Chinese, Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and indeed many ancient cultures, discovered this ages ago. And there are ancient texts attesting to treatments through balancing and harmonizing this energy circulation within. Why has modern medicine decided to ignore this very major fact? I cannot say.

This life sustaining Energy enters our body with our breath. And for optimal health it should circulate freely and harmoniously in a continuous replenishing flow, up the back and down the front, through our energy circulation pathways (meridians). Notice however what happens when we are stressed, be it with anxiety, fear, anger, grief, suppression etc. How do we breathe? We mostly take a shallow inhalation only from the upper chest and we barely exhale. We very often hold our breath altogether. This inhibits the energy from completing its full natural course. So it stops at various sites (called accupoints by Chinese and Japanese medicine) and starts accumulating and forming blockages in the various pathways. As a result there is excess energy above the blockages and depletion of energy below them. Both are harmful. This is when we start feeling the first symptoms of discomfort. Unfortunately, we ignore these warning symptoms because we are not taught to hear our body signals and because of the rapid pace of our lives. So we go on with this constricted breathing and the blockagesbecome denser and denser; the energy circulation becomes more seriously hindered, and starts reversing as it has no way to move forward. In reversing it intermingles with the incoming energies, eventually, the complete energy pathways are in total disharmony. And that is when our discomforts and pains turn into illnesses of all kinds.


So we go to medical doctors, we take our treatment, and the symptoms do disappear sometimes for a while and sometimes seemingly forever, but often they do come back, either in the same form or another. There are two main reasons for that: one, because medicine/surgery does not get the energy to flow harmoniously- the blockages are still there; and two, because most illnesses (90%) are produced by emotional states which are not dealt with. Modern medicine deals with the physical symptoms only, not the energy factor, nor the emotions which produce them.

Energy therapies deal with both physical and emotional issues concurrently. By clearing the blockages and achieving a free flow of energy, we not only heal physically, but we actually heal emotionally. We change our outlook and attitude towards life energetically. We achieve calm, clarity, optimism, joy, creativity, resourcefulness, forgiveness, appreciation and gratitude and thus we deal with daily challenges much more wisely and effectively. And as a result enjoy life much more fully.

There are degrees of blockages, depending on how strong the stress or trauma is, what kind of stress and how long it has been ignored. The more recently it was formed, the faster an energy therapist can clear it. The longer it has been in the systemi.e. when it has become chronic, the longer it will take to clear. Smaller blockages may bring about indigestion, flue, temporary muscle ache, frozen shoulder etc., but larger blockages may cause illnesses starting with chronic muscle pain, rheumatic Arthritis, spastic colitis, sciatic pain, thyroid conditions, kidney stones, , Depression, Panic attacksetc., all the way to heart problems, autoimmune diseases such as cancer, MS etc., at the upper end of the scale.Most of these illnesses can be healed with energy therapy;the number of session will depend on the severity of the condition. Smaller issues could be treated in up to 5 sessions; medium issues up to 10 sessions, more serious up to 20 sessions and really serious can go to a much longer therapy. This is a rough estimate, just to give the reader and idea. These therapies are cumulative.

All the modalities dealing with energy and meridians, e.g., Acupuncture, Jin Shin Jyutsu, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Acupressure, etc., are based on what I have just described.

Hopefully, I have been able to clarify why energy medicine is so valuable. It can stand on its own as a therapy, but it can also be a very precious complement to modern medicine – which we know to be very valuable in many situations. Lately in the U.S. and the U.K., many hospitals have included energy healing practitioners to complement treatments, as well as before and after surgery, during chemotherapy and radiation treatments, forsetting of broken bones, etc., with dramatically faster rates of recovery.

In my 15 year of practice, I use Jin Shin Jyutsu;a non-intrusive Japanese form of acupuncture without the use of needles, which I usually combinewith EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or Energy Psychology) whichtargets specific trauma, phobia, negative experiences, negative conditioning, etc. and neutralizes them, thus freeing us from these harmful emotions which so often haunt us and block our progress, inner peace and happiness and cause us physical issues. Both modalities are highly effective. With both therapies I give my clients self-help applications, which if applied will keep their energy flowing and deal with stress and harmful emotions, thus preventing recurring discomforts and illnesses.

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For testimonials from clients:

Perizat Hamdy, B.SC. is a  Master Energy Healing Therapist of Jin Shin Jyutsu and EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques
To contact her, visit perizat.hamdy@gmail.com