A School of Ancient Greek Athletics to be opened in Ancient Nemea

Students of all ages and from all over the world will be accepted

The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games aims to establish and run a unique school of sports, a School of Ancient Greek Athletics.

This school will accept students of all ages and from all over the world and will teach them the practice and philosophy of sports in ancient Greece.

The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games is a movement born from nearly 40 years of excavation by the University of California at Berkeley in the panhellenic Sanctuary of Zeus at Nemea, Greece, and from the enthusiasm and dedication of local residents of Nemea who feel that they could make an important contribution to today’s world because of their personal ties to Nemea.

The site where the school is going to be built has already been selected and it is close to the protected archaeological zone of the ancient Nemea where the ancient Nemean Games took place.

The Society for the Revival of the Nemean Games aims to recreate these ancient sports facility to house the new School of Ancient Greek Athletics

The school will have two buildings that are replicas of those of the 4th century BC, which will include teaching and training classes, as well as guest houses.

The following video presents the guest houses and the bath as these were in ancient times.



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