Ashton Kutcher cheated on Mila Kunis with a Swede?

Linn Massinger in bed with the famous actor

Just one month after the birth of Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis’ child, a woman by the name of Linn Massinger is ready to make the couple separate.

The 21 year old Swede, makeup artist, revealed to the Sun newspaper that she spent one night in the 37 year old’s house while he was a couple with Mila Kunis. Kutcher and Kunis began dating in 2012, but their relationship became known to the media in July of the same year. Linn Massinger spent “the best night of her life” as she states today, in the arms of Kutcher in June 2012, when Kutcher and Kunis had already been dating for a month.

She argues that the actor hid the fact he was in a relationship, which was one of the reasons that forced her to take revenge. Linn did not hesitate to give the press a photo showing them in bed, holding each other. The other “incriminating” fact is that Kutcher’s hair is long, which was the look he had adopted for his role in a movie about Steve Jobs, the filming of which began in May 2012.
