New research come to reaffirm one of the saddest firsts that Greece notes, which relates to childhood obesity.
Greece, along with Italy, Slovenia and the USA, are the OECD countries where the main problem of child obesity has been identified, and about one in three children is overweight or obese, according to the latest report.
Despite the fact of significant improvement, compared to a few years ago (44.5% of boys and 37.7% of girls in Greece were overweight or obese in 2010, according to data from the European research The ENERGY-Project ), the problem remains serious.
Childhood obesity could occur of biological causes or obese parents, few hours of sleep, lack of exercise, and dietary restrictions. The latter may possibly be rather amazed, given the habit of demonized specific foods, such as sweets or sugar, but according to recent research published in the journal of Childhood Obesity children who lack certain foods at higher risk of becoming overweight.
The key to a balanced diet is the consumption of all foods in moderation, in appropriate portions and combined with exercise, as the World Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics supports.
Greek children, however, fall short in physical exercise, working out where the fewest hours in Europe in relation to their peers, ie less than 200 minutes a week (The ENERGY-Project). Meanwhile sleeping fewer hours (less than 9 per day) and watching TV more hours (over 2 days).
Research conducted by the Laboratory of Nutrition and Epidemiology of Medical School in Crete for the prevention of obesity, showed that children which watch more than 3 hours of TV everyday have a higher body mass index, more body fat and a 74% greater chance of experiencing increased waistlines .
The same conclusion reached and the study of an international magazine ‘International Journal of Obesity’, whereby children aged 4 watch 2.4 hours of television per day gain 1,600 calories while children that watch half of the above gain 1,400. The 200 calorie difference translated into extra body weight about 5 kg per year.
Shield physical activity
Experts advise: encourage your children to be exercised! The children must devote about 2 hours playing or some organized sports activity, while given the mimicry of this age it would be physical activity a part of everyday life for all the family. Therefore, turn off the TV screens and computers and say yes to exercise and ensure a healthy future for you and your children.