In horrifying murder Russian boy butchers mother, grandparents and twin siblings

After he murdered them he killed himself

A 16-year-old high-flying Russian student axed to death his entire family of five then took his own life, say police.

Timur Kimaletdinov massacred his ‘loving’ mother, four-year-old twin siblings, and two grandparents in a brutal night attack that has left his village ‘shaken.’

The boy, an A-grade pupil who regularly won academic competitions for bright students in his region, wielded an axe during his murderous rampage, said reports citing law enforcement.

He later jumped to his death from a local phone transmitter mast.

In a note left on the dining room table amidst the bloody carnage, he said he loved his family, especially grandparents Viktor, 66 and Lidia, 69, and that it was a ‘pity’ he would kill them.

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