New case of nepotism brought to light

By decision of Alexis Tsipras, Nikos Karanikas was appointed special adviser

A new incident of nepotism brought to light proves once more that SYRIZA government is not that ‘transparent’ as its members want Greek people to believe. After the president of Youth of SYRIZA, Iasonas Schinas-Papadopoulos, who appointed his family to positions of public sector, another case of nepotism has been revealed.

This time another member of SYRIZA and friend of Alexis Tsipras, Nikos Karanikas, was appointed special adviser at the Office of Strategic Planning of the General Secretariat of the government.

According to an article published by Macedonia newspaper, the Official Government Gazette mentions that by decision of Alexis Tsipras, Mr. Karanikas, who was a candidate councilor in last municipality elections, has been appointed special adviser since January, 2, 2016.

As Macedonia reports, Nikos Karanikas, met the president of SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, when they were both members of the Youth of SYNASPISMOS and they have been close friends, since then. Moreover, his sister, Xanthoula Karanikas, was elected MP of SYRIZA in the elections of 2012.