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> Search results for: COVID

showing 2879 results

> Search results for: COVID

showing 2879 results

UK used ‘propagandistic scare’ tactics on public to force compliance with Covid rules, ex No10’s scientist claims

“In my mind, the most egregious and far-reaching mistake made in responding to the pandemic has been the level of fear willingly conveyed on the public,” wrote Ruda

Scientists believed Covid leaked from Wuhan lab but feared debate could hurt “international harmony”

Scientists were particularly concerned by a part of Covid-19 called the furin cleavage site, a section of the spike protein which helps it enter cells

Novak Djokovic admits to meeting a journalist despite testing positive for Covid

Australia mulls deporting him

US Judge orders FDA to release thousands of pages of Pfizer data on Covid-19 vaccine

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman called the group’s FOIA request "of paramount public importance"

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