Archeologists found the ruins of an unknown ancient city dating back to the 4th century BC at the Greek mountain of Pindos. Located at an altitude of 1,200 meters, it is believed to be the highest archeological excavation in Greece.
Fragments of inscriptions found near the area of Kastri, include Greek laters (IEP, meaning iero – sacred place). Archeologists believe that ancient Macedonians used the site as a place of workshop as it was filled with temples, though its exact name is unknown.
Lead archeologist Stella Drougou says that the findings are many and very important, however experts have yet to find the name, though they know that its heyday was towards the end of the 4th century BC, proving its importance in the ancient Macedonian kingdom.
The acropolis was brought to light following the systematic excavation in Kastri. All evidence proves that it had a religious character. The remains of the acropolis are damaged, however the coins, ceramics and vast variety of metallic equipment reveal an organized economy and society. The destruction of the acropolis is thought to have been very violent at around the 2nd century BC. The large amount of copper arrows and fire traces prove that there was most likely some sort of warfare.
“All this data shows that our next excavation target should be at the east mountain slopes of Pindos with the certainty that in the future there can be a very interesting archaeological place in that area” concluded Drogou.
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