Best selfie, groufie spots of Greece (photos)

Every minute of every day, someone in Greece is taking a selfie!

Love them or hate them, selfies are here to stay… in the car, at the beach, at concerts, sporting events, even from the comfort of your own bed – especially there. Greece has a number of selfie and groupfie spots that are ideal for that perfect Instagram pose. In fact travel site listed Athens as one of the top 10 selfie capitals of the world. Whether its with a duckface or just a beach feet brag selfie, Greece has just the spot to take it!

The Hotel Grand Bretagne has its own designated selfie spot at the GB Roof Garden Restaurant.


Athens was named the number 10 selfie capital with the Acropolis being an ideal monument for a selfie.


With so many beaches, Greece is ideal for the Beach Feet Brag Selfie… Here’s one at Navagio Beach on Zakynthos.


Or you can always choose another angle while Base Jumping (from the same beach).


The iconic Caldera at Santorini has launched a myriad selfies… with or without selfie sticks… as tourists stumble over each other while trying to capture that perfect selfie pose.


Or how about one with you and a donkey?


You must take a groufie while on Mykonos… and somewhere around Little Venice is best!


Irina Shayk and Cristiano Ronaldo took a pool feet brag while vacationing on the isle of Mykonos when they were still together…FEET


How about an underwater selfie at one of Greece’s nice hotels?


Greece is an ideal place for the protest rally selfie.


A Syrian refugee takes a selfie as she lands on Kos with her family in a dinghy.


Opportunities are everywhere… and everyone seems to be taking them too! Even the statues at museums are taking selfies.