Chinese property buyers are being lured to Greece with Enterprise Greece, a program aimed at boosting the flailing real estate market by attracting foreign investment. The company’s new plan titled “Greece, My Residence” was backed by the Greek development and interior ministries on a recent visit to Guangzhou and Hong Kong for the 5th Guangzhou International Quality Lifestyle & Property Expo where it introduced its latest program to Chinese investors thorugh presentations and meetings with interested parties. The Greek delegation also met with immigration authorities to further fine-tune its plan.
In Hong Kong, the Greek team took part in the “Investment Immigration Summit- Hong Kong 2014” where it presented the initiative to a target audience in a workshop titled “In Conversation with Greece: In-depth Opportunities in Investment and Residency Revealed.
During a breakfast seminar titled “Greece 2014: Realizing the Potential”, Enterprise Greece CEO Stefanos Isaias outlined investment oportunities in Greece to foreign investors in the sectors of tourism, property, F&B, energy, exports, ITC technologies and health sciences.
Mr. Isaias added that Chinese immigration offices have already given the Greek package priority and that Enterprise Greece, in collaboration with the private sector, will continue to promote the program to foreign markets.
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