EC awaits final results to respond; Guardian says Greek delegation heading for Brussels

Sources say Euro Working Group to convene on Mon. — Situation with ATMs in Greece judged as critical

A European Commission response is pending, with EU representatives telling that they’re waiting for final results and will not comment until that time.

Earlier, EC President Jean-Claude Juncker had underlined that “if Greeks vote ‘no’, then the Greek position will dramatically deteriorate.”
In a related development, the Guardian’s correspondent from Athens reported that a Greek government delegation is immediately heading to Brussels for talks, with the emphasis — by the Greek side — on a solution as soon as possible.

According to long-time Guardian correspondent in Greece Helena Smith, another government source said the situation outside ATMs is critical, thus necessitating a quick solution.

Regardless of the referendum results, diplomatic sources from Brussels state that a Euro Working Group will convene on Monday.

On the media front, the referendum results led German news programs in the country, with networks often interrupting their regular programming to report on the Greek referendum.