Greece ‘champions’ in unemployment, says Eurostat

Greece first in youth unemployment too with 52%!

Greece has the highest rate of unemployment among Eurozone member-states, according to a Eurostat report, published Tuesday. In more detail, Greece tops the list of general unemployment data (25% in May), and unemployment for people below the 25-year old threshold (a staggering 51.8%). It should be noted the report has not included the period after the capital controls were imposed on Greek banks, when businesses were forced to lay off large numbers of people due to the increased economic strain. The average Eurozone unemployment fell to 10.9% from 11.1%, while the EU-28 figure was down to 9.5% from 9.6%. Eurtostat estimates 23 million European citizens were jobless in July 2015, 17.5 million of whom are from Eurozone member states. Germany recorded the lowest level at 4.7%; the Czech republic and Malta had 5.1%, while Spain came second worst with 22.2%. The largest drop in the number of jobless rate was recorded in Bulgaria from 11.5% to 9.4% and Spain from 24.3% to 22.2%. The total of unemployed youth (under 25 years old) in 2015 stood at 4,634,000, over 3 million of which were from the Eurozone.