7.5 million Greek taxpayers will be called upon to pay a total of 30 billion Euros in taxes from September through January 2017. Employees, freelance professionals, pensioners, businesses and property owners will have to dig deep in their pockets to cover the financial obligations to the state on the next five months. Theses include: Income tax, the special solidarity contribution tax, business levy, luxury tax, property tax (ENF), an increased VAT from 23% to 24% in all islands, a fixed telephony tax, a raised tax in petrol, diesel and agricultural petrol, an increased special heating petrol tax, coffee consumption, tobacco and electronic cigarette taxes, and the new car registration fees for 2017. In September, citizens will have to pay a toga of 1.8 billion Euros, the second income tax instalment, as well as 600 million in the first ENFIA instalment.
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