Main opposition New Democracy and socialist PASOK are reportedly considering tabling a no confidence vote in Parliament against the SYRIZA-led coalition government, a move that would delay and endanger the holding of a referendum for July 5.
The reports come even as debate continued in Greece’s Parliament over a suprise late-night decision by Greek PM Alexis Tsipras to call the referendum.
The goal is to cancel the snap poll, as Parliament’s regulations stipulate that if a no confidence vote is requested by 50 MPs, then Parliament’s sessions are interrupted — with debate on the no confidence vote beginning immediately or in two days.
Discussions within ND and PASOK, which along with the centrist Potami party, mostly lead the now coalesced “pro-Europe” front, are reportedly in an advanced stage. Nevertheless, Potami representatives said they are not involved in the “no confidence” prospect.
If the reports materialize, debate over a referendum will “freeze” for three to five days, depending on whether the Tsipras government wants to immediately begin the procedure on the vote of confidence request, or after two days.
In any case, debate over the proposal would take three days and conclude with a roll call vote.
The procedure is foreseen by article 142 of the Greek Parliament’s charter.
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