Martin Schulz stated that “We will have an agreement about Greece within the week”, in an interview for Europolitics.
Mr. Schulz stated that he believes that there will be an agreement reached within the week, while he underlined that negotiations must be completed. There is an initial agreement within the Eurogroup framework.According to Mr. Schulz, Greece must submit proposals for reforms, the investment framework of the country and the revitalization of the economy. He stated that a solution before the month is out, is needed.
Responding to a question on whether the EU should prepare for a Grexit, Mr. Schulz underlined: “No, if you want someone to stay in a family, you do not conduct studies concerning a possible exit”. He reiterated that Greece’s part in the Eurozone is to the benefit of all of Europe. What he claims he fights for is to help the Greeks, specifically the everyday people who suffered through the results of irresponsibility prevalent in the country for years, and the lack of solidarity for the “very rich”, who moved their money abroad. I want to help the Greek government, whatever it may be, to stay in the Eurozone. Speculation against the euro has proven to be damaging. Mr. Schulz clarified that the “line” is simple: Greece must remain in the euro and speculation against the currency must end.
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