Summer tourists: Habits of European travelers

Greeks take vacations in summer but like stay at home

A clear seasonal pattern of tourism activity of residents of the European Union by Eurostat shows that June-Septeber accounts for more than half (51.9%) of the total number of tourism nights spent by EU residents during the whole year. A little more than 60% of these nights were spent in their own country (domestic) while almost 40% were abroad.

July (16.1%) and August (17.2%) are the two months when EU residents spent most tourism nights a year.

More than a third of all tourism nights for residents aged from 15 to 20 years (36%) and 30-64 years (35%) are spent during July and August, though this changes for residents aged over 65 years who spread the holidays more evenly throughout the year.

Residents in the majority of EU Member States spend more than half of all annual tourism nights away from home during the summer season. Among the noticeable exceptions are Malta (41.4% of tourism nights of residents spent during the summer season), Finland (42.8%), Denmark (44.4%), Romania (44.9%), the United Kingdom (45.7%), Germany (46.3%) and Estonia (46.8%). Accounting for almost three-quarters of all nights spent during the year, the summer season is particularly prominent for residents of Italy (74.0%) and Greece (72.2%), followed by thoseof Slovakia (67.3%) and Slovenia (62.1%).


Residents of Greece and Spain on top for domestic tourism during the summer

Although on average in the EU domestic tourism prevails, the pattern is very different across Member States. The largest proportions of nights spent by residents in their own country are registered for Greece (89.7% of all summer tourism nights), Spain (87.3%), Romania (86.6%), Bulgaria (84.7%), France and Portugal (both 82.8%). In contrast, the highest shares of summer tourism nights spent abroad are recorded for residents of Luxembourg (99.2% of all summer tourism nights), Belgium (88.3%) and Malta (86.7%).



…that the participation in tourism was highest in Finland (89% of the population who have made at least 1 trip of at least 1 overnight stay for personal purpose), Luxembourg (85%) and the Netherlands (84%)?
…that EU28 residents spent on average 353 euros per trip?  
…that more than a third of all holiday nights for EU28 residents aged 15-29 (36%) and 30-64 (35%) are spent during July and August?
…that 35% of all trips made by EU28 residents were visits to friends and relatives?   
…that the number of holiday trips spent on campsites, caravan or trailer parks was highest for UK residents (18% of all holiday trips)?
…and that the number of holiday trips spent in an own holiday home  was highest for Spanish residents (43% of all holiday trips)?

Source: Eurostat, Tourism statistics (Data of extraction: 11.06.2015). All data refer to 2013.