A crucial Eurogroup session will begin with a 90-minute delay due to a previously unscheduled meeting of Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Yanis Varoufakis, Christine Lagarde and Wolfgang Schaeuble. Therefore, the regular Eurogroup itself will start at 15:30 GMT.
The delay was announced by Eurogroup head Jeroen Dijsselbloem through his Twitter account.
A few hours prior to the crucial Eurogroup, the Greek government stated that “We went 4/5ths of the way, they must fill in the 1/5th”. Athens underlines that during last night’s EuroWorking Group, Greece was not alone, as many partners recognized the steps undertaken by the new government. The letter for an extension of the loan agreement is a point on which the Greek government won’t budge. If pressures continue, Athens will request an EU summit in order to solve the matter politically.
Reuters said Athens and the Eurozone are nearing an agreement.
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