XTERRA Greece: Running through Lake Plastira

The best way to get to know a place is by running through its landscape, and XTERRA gives people the opportunity to do just that at Lake Plastira on June 20, 2015

The 2015 XTERRA Greece Championships are to take place on June 20, 2015, at Lake Plastira in the Karditsa Region. In previous years, the Greek race attracted top professional and amateur athletes from more than 25 countries, marking a record number of triathlon participants in Greece. The organization and the racing experience was World class, left the best impressions on athletes and spectators of the race, and set the basis for the establishment and development of XTERRA races in Greece.


Athletes over the age of 18 are eligible to participate in both distances as Individuals or as Team Relays (2-3 athletes). Written parental approval is required for those aged under 18.

The championship full distance includes a 1.5km swim, a 30km mountain bike race and a 10km trail run. The sprint distance categories are half the amount of the full distance.


The entry fee for the full distance is 75 euros, Team Relays can enter with 120 euros whereas the XTERRA Sprint Distance Individual is at 40 euros and 80 euros for the team relay.

To find out more about the race and to enter, CLICK HERE