Iconic Swedish protagonist of Federico Fellini’s “Dolce Vita” and co-star of Marcello Mastroianni, the luscious blonde who gave us one of the best moments of cinema (swimming in the Fontana di Trevi), is no longer with us, as she expired in Rocca di Papa, in the province of Rome, where she was being hospitalized.
Anita Ekberg’s lawyer confirmed the news of her death, saying she was admitted to hospital after Christmas.
Ekberg deconstructed the image of cold Swedish women: She was prolific, with a cascade of blond hair and a pair of breasts that promised eternity, accompanied by two arched eyebrows that highlighted her intense gaze.
As an object of desire of Marcello Mastroianni, she became the dream of many thousands of teenagers, as well as mature men, who watched “Dolce Vita”.
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