In an extensive interview to SKAI TV on Saturday morning, main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras said that even if his party emerges as the winner of the general elections to be held on January 25, Greek citizens will still have to pay the two remaining installments of property taxes in the coming months, as these concern the year 2014.
The property taxes, known by the Greek acronym ENFIA, were instituted last year. They are calculated and paid to the tax bureau.
However, he said taxpayers will not be asked to pay the ENFIA levy 2015, reiterating his future government’s intention to abolish what SYRIZA has criticised as an extremely unjust tax and to replace it with a new tax regime for so-called large real estate holdings.
“There will be tax exemption for the primary residence, but I am not referring to people who own houses with three swimming pools. We will find these people and they will be asked to pay taxes,” Tsipras clarified.
Among others, the opposition leader said the government has no other argument to win over voters beyond fear and that the Greek people are tired of “being on their knees … We must put an end to this tragedy and SYRIZA is the only safe choice,” he added.
With regard to rumors about SYRIZA’s intention to increase a tax on bank deposits, Tsipras said: “Greece is not Cyprus; deposits are guaranteed, our banks have passed (ECB-mandated) stress tests. What is the purpose of this scaremongering? We will exit this crisis with our heads held high; hard times are over.”
Moreover, the leader of the main opposition stated that SYRIZA will raise the minimum wage to 751 euros per month.
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