The family of 20-year-old student, Vangelis Giakoumakis, from Crete is searching for the young man who went missing from his home 21 days ago. Giakoumakis was a student at the Dairy School of Ioannina, capital of Epirus in north-western Greece. There are many versions as to what may have happened to the young men with more recent accounts stating that the young student was sighted at Piraeus.
Two women said that they met with and talked to the young man in Piraeus with the police and private detective George Tsoukalis searching the district.
The owner of a café at 3rd September Street near Omonoia told Proto Thema that the young man had passed by the region looking haggard and asked for her help.
Following these sightings, the family is calling on volunteers to help find the young boy in a search to take place on the streets of Piraeus on Saturday. Those who can help should contact the young man’s sister Eleni, on Facebook (CLICK HERE to be updated on the latest search efforts).
The search effort is to take place at the metro station at Piraeus. Volunteers are invited to print out photos of Vangelis to show to passers-by. Over 700 people have already stated their intent to help in the search effort. Private investigator will separate the parties into groups and organize the search efforts.
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