A stolen cell phone, taken from a 25-year-old Greek college student in the middle of Bologna, continued to send photographs to its previous owner’s email account — allowing the man to track the lives of the person or persons that were in its possession.
As the photographs show, the stolen device wound in …Morocco, and in “Rick Blaine’s” old stomping grounds no less: Casablanca!
According to Huffington Post’s Greek-language edition, Giorgos Kostianis, a student at Bologna’s translation and interpretation department, may have lost his Moto G to a dexterous pickpocket feigning drunkenness one evening, yet the marvels of Google Drive and Pushbullet not only tracked the wayward device but also sent back images of its new owners!
Whether the selfie-happy new owner is the actual pickpocket or the buyer of a stolen cell phone has been determined, of course.
In a partial “revenge”, Kostianis nevertheless had the opportunity to see the calls and SMS messages received by his former phone via Pushbullet, often declining calls or even responding!
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