Nearly 80% of Greek high school students are considering leaving the country as a scientific paper published in the International Migration & Integration review in October 2015. The paper, authored by Macedonia University professors Lois Lambrinidis and Theodosis Sykas, showed that 76% of the students from 3 out of 4 experimental senior high schools in Thessaloniki replied that they were seriously thinking of studying abroad. 43.3% said responded that they had either a very strong or a strong intention of migrating abroad, while 33% said they had mild interest and 23.7% responded negatively or had a low intention of studying abroad. The survey was based on a sample of 373 students aged between 15 and 18 years old with high and lower average school performance from medium and low income backgrounds. The study simply confirms the already know trend of a huge brain drain from Greece abroad as other data has clearly indicated with the fleeing of 140,000 scientists to other countries to seek new opportunities.
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