Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos claimed he did nothing wrong during his recent visit to London, where photos showed him carrying his wife’s shopping bags from Selfridges shopping centre and in a hotel casino with his wife. Responding to accusations that surfaced against him over the weekend and to River party leader Stavros Theodorakis in parliament, who called on the Minister to explian the incident, Mr. Kammenos claimed he did not spend public money but used his own credit card. “Now, if I was in front of a roulette table, I did not play with the money of the Greek public, Mr. Theodorakis, I did not play with the money of the Greek public”, said Mr. Kammenos, admitting he had visited the hotel’s casino.
“You must have some nerve to go to Kastelorizo with the members of extreme right Golden Dawn and call someone else a pimp of the far right”, Theodorakis said in response to the Defence Minister’s claims. Mr. Theodorakis continued by wondering how the Defence Minister and leader of junior coalition party ANEL could afford to go on vacations to the Alps and play at the casino with bank deposits worth 8,500 euros.
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