The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) released the folloeing press release on the issue of the Turkish “blockade” of the aid to the Greeks of the occupied areas. The Turkish illegal regime wants to impose tariffs on the goods that enter the occupied parts of the islands from the free south, in a continues effort to slowly annex the northern part of Cyprus.
Press Statement on Humanitarian deliveries
At 10:50 am this morning, an UNFICYP vehicle carrying humanitarian supplies departed Nicosia for Greek Cypriot communities in the Karpas, as has been regular practice for close to four decades. UNFICYP was obliged to limit today’s delivery to medical aid supplies, following the Turkish Cypriot administration’s unilateral decision to impose taxes and fees on other humanitarian goods.
UNFICYP regrets the decision taken by the Turkish Cypriot administration, which it considers to be an unfortunate development. The Mission’s role of delivering humanitarian assistance to Greek Cypriot and Maronite communities in the northern part of the island is based on a longstanding agreement between the sides known as Vienna III, and provides hundreds of elderly and other vulnerable people with basic supplies on a weekly basis.
UNFICYP stands ready to assist the sides to reach a mutually acceptable solution, with the interests of the affected communities in mind.
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