The two Cypriot children that had been kidnapped earlier on Tuesday have been found after police utilised information provided by a citizen that led them to the location of the two 11-year-olds and the capture of their kidnapper. The 35-year old kidnapper, an actor, had taken the boys to the Kamares Elementary School in Larnaca.
The children were taken to the hospital for examinations as their condition raised suspicions that the offender had drugged them. The kidnapper lived in the block of flats, along with another person, and one of the boys abducted also resided in the apartment morning lived in the same apartment
According to sources, the culprit has a clean record with no prior run-ins with the law. Eyewitnesses reported that he would often walk his dogs in the morning, while one noticed that he regularly changed his car’s license plates.
building. It remains unclear whether he had an accomplice.
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