A baby-faced teenage criminal who terrorized a local community and bragged about his joyriding lifestyle by posing in a Rolls Royce has finally been sent to prison after 47 convictions for 77 crimes.
Kash Parkinson, 18, has been jailed for four years after running over a police officer during a chase in a stolen Ford Fiesta that he had fitted with false number plates.
Diminutive Parkinson, who is just 5ft 2in tall, gloated about his lifestyle on social media that included the picture of him at the wheel of the £200,000 luxury car. In another photo, he spelled out its name using cannabis leaves.
Fed up residents repeatedly reported the teenager for car and motorbike thefts and he was also arrested for drugs offences, assault, vandalism and even terrorizing his own grandmother. He committed his first offence when he was 11 years old.
Having ignored a two-year criminal behaviour order and magistrate warnings to stop associating with other young felons, Parkinson, from Ashton-under-Lyne, Greater Manchester, continued to bring misery to his local community.
But yesterday he was starting a four-year jail sentence after he ploughed into PC Christopher Haxby during a pursuit, leaving the police officer with shoulder injuries and whiplash.
During the three minute chase on June 28 this year, the teenager is seen driving on the wrong side of a dual carriageway at 3.40am before ramming into an oncoming HGV.
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