French astronaut Thomas Pesquet posted two satellite photos, of Athens and of the airport of Spata, on the occasion of the celebrations of the 200 years of the Anniversary of the Greek Revolution on March 25.
On his Twitter account, the astronaut, who serves at the European Space Agency, published two photos of Attica, “A photo of Athens for our Greek friends Flag of Greece who are celebrating their national day today!” As he explains, the city surrounds the Acropolis, which also houses the Temple of Brauronia Artemis, from which NASA took its name for its space program.
A photo of Athens for our Greek friends Flag of Greece who are celebrating their national day today! The city encircles the Acropolis. It houses the Sanctuary of Artemis Brauronia, the Greek goddess associated with the Moon whose
@NASA was inspired to name its lunar exploration program.
Une photo d’Athènes pour nos amis grecs ?? qui célèbrent aujourd’hui leur fête nationale ! La ville encercle l’Acropole. Il abrite le Sanctuaire d’Artémis Brauronia, la déesse grecque associée à la Lune dont la @NASA s’est inspirée pour nommer son programme d’exploration lunaire.
— Thomas Pesquet (@Thom_astro) March 25, 2021
A picture of the capital and its airport to celebrate #Greece200years ??. You can see the Acropolis with its sanctuary of Artemis Brauroni in this picture. #Artemis is the Greek goddess that
@NASA named its Moon programme after! Μακάρι μια μέρα να δούμε κι Έλληνες αστροναύτες!
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