Explorers Bob Thissen and Frederik Sempels visited the “ghost” village of Greece, Ropoto in Trikala and warn: “What you see is not an illusion”. Indeed they tilt, and it is not some effect or some camera game.
Thissen and Sempels visit a church in the Greek village, which 17 degrees! To understand the phenomenon better, the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, with which many “play” in their photos pretending they support it or pushing it, it has an has a tilt of only 3.97 degrees!
The village of Trikala, that is built on the slopes of Karavoula (1862 m.) at an altitude of 750 m., is now deserted, as in 2012 it was abandoned due to landslide.
Several houses were destroyed, some were cut in half, but many remained in one piece but in…different position.
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