Billionaire Elon Musk has two wildly ambitious goals: to establish a permanent human colony on Mars and to create a technology that links human brains with artificial intelligence.
Of Musk’s two futuristic dreams, it’s the second one that has the most potential to change humanity.
While most of the early publicity about Neuralink, the SpaceX entrepreneur’s brain-to-computer interface, has focused on its potential to unlock the lives of people living with severe paralysis by allowing to control robotic arms and even one day entire exoskeletons, the technology would change the way that the rest of us communicate, learn, and have sex.
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Neurobiologist Professor Andrew Hires said: ”The first application you can imagine is better mental control for a robotic arm for someone who’s paralysed”.
But more than one researcher has explored the idea of stimulating the brain’s pleasure centres directly, allowing people to do without drugs or alcohol to achieve pleasurable sensations.
Read more: Daily Star
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