The global financial center Hong Kong takes first place in Statista’s latest Global Business Cities Ranking. The Statista Global Business Cities reports evaluate economically relevant cities from around the world based on the most relevant data for decisions at the corporate level. In addition to population size and GDP, many other factors play an important role in determining the extent to which a city is suitable as a business location.
Therefore, the overall index is based on a number of sub-indices: The dimension “Economy” examines the economic strength and the level of development of the respective city. The “Business environment” component focuses on infrastructure and logistics. “Society” analyses population development and the areas of education and standard of living. The “Charisma” dimension highlights aspects such as tourism, culture and the environment. The metropolis of Hong Kong scores particularly well in the category “Business Environment”.
The importance of cities for the global economy is growing and this is connected to the phenomenon of urbanization. Currently, slightly more than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. In 1950, this applied to less than a third of all the world’s citizens. According to UN forecasts, this trend of physical urbanization will continue in the coming decades. By 2050, more than two-thirds of all people will live in urban areas.
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