In the aftermath of Will Smith’s charged encounter with Chris Rock at the 94th Academy Awards, comedians have rallied around the stand-up comic after he was slapped onstage by the Oscar-winning King Richard star for telling an ill-conceived joke about Jada Pinkett Smith. Kathy Griffin, Joy Behar and the Lucas Brothers are among the comedy world stars who have defended Rock on Twitter. Now comedian-turned-actor Jim Carrey has added his voice to the debate, condemning Smith’s actions — and the response of the other Hollywood celebrities in the room — in forceful terms during an interview with CBS Mornings host Gayle King.
“I was sickened,” the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 star remarked during the interview, which was recorded on March 28 but only recently made available online. “I was sickened by the standing ovation. I felt like Hollywood is just spineless en masse. It really felt like: ‘Oh, this is really a clear indication that we’re not the cool club anymore.'”
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Carrey also made it clear that he felt Smith should have faced more serious repercussions for striking Rock, including possible arrest. Academy sources told People that Smith’s removal from the ceremony was “definitely discussed seriously” in the immediate aftermath of their encounter, while the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed that Rock declined to press charges.
Read more: yahoo
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