Despite the fact that, thanks to streaming services, it has never been cheaper and more convenient to listen to music, music piracy is still prevalent across the world’s largest music markets. According to IFPI’s Engaging with Music 2021 report, 30 percent of global consumers listen to music in copyright-infringing ways.
While P2P sharing of pirated music is no longer as big of a problem as it once was, the practice of “stream-ripping”, i.e. the illegal download of streamed content in order to make it available offline, is widespread. 27 percent of consumers admit to downloading music this way, making it the most common form of copyright infringement in music these days.
As the following chart shows, young people are particularly likely to obtain music in copyright-infringing ways. 38 percent of respondents aged 16 to 24 years said they had done it, while 35 percent of respondents in that age group said they used stream ripping to obtain music illegally.
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