Embattled actor Kevin Spacey maintained his innocence, claiming in court on Monday that his publicist was the one who made him apologize to actor Anthony Rapp, who has accused him of sexual assault and is suing for $40 million in damages.
“I was being encouraged to apologize and I’ve learned a lesson, which is never apologize for something that you didn’t do. I regret my entire statement,” Spacey said in court in New York City, as his emotions got the better of him and he began to cry. “It’s my responsibility. I put it out there. It was really wrong. It was really bad and I’m deeply sorry. I have to own that.”
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Rapp accused the Academy-Award-winning actor of making inappropriate sexual advances toward him in 1986 — when Rapp was just 14 years old — in a bombshell Buzzfeed article. Spacey responded to the accusation by publicly coming out as gay, denying any memory of the incident described by Rapp.
Read more: Daily Wire
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