In the morning, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis visited the Underwater Demolition Unit in Skaramangas and the Special Forces Training Center in Megalo Pefko.
“The government and I personally are always supportive of the work of the Armed Forces. Not only in terms of your equipment, you are aware of the significant upgrades we have been able to achieve in recent years. However, we also stand in support of the dynamic potential of the Armed Forces. This is what we have an obligation to do. Strong Armed Forces shield our national independence, protect our sovereign rights and national sovereignty, and are a necessary condition for freedom and prosperity”, said the Prime Minister, who earlier watched the nine final students of the 197-198 series of the SEAL school during they practice in a combat arena.
Afterwards, Kyriakos Mitsotakis boarded an SOC vessel and headed to the Special Forces Training Center, in Megalo Pefko, where he was shown around the newly built premises of the KEED by the Commander of the Joint Special Operations Command, Major General Konstantinos Alexakis.
From the KEED Headquarters, the Prime Minister watched a demonstration with the deployment of helicopters, Zodiac, jet skis and paratroopers with the aim of occupying the coast and rescuing a hostage.
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