Twitter CEO Elon Musk doubled down Tuesday on remarks that he made earlier this month about imprisoning those who allow transgender treatments on minors.
Musk made the remarks this week in response to a tweet regarding a 2016 story about an 18-year-old male who allegedly died when doctors tried to create a vagina for him using part of his colon.
“An 18-year-old boy died when doctors tried to create a vagina for him using part of his colon,” the tweet said. “His colon was used because puberty blockers stopped growth of his genitals, which meant there wasn’t enough tissue to do the penile inversion surgery”.
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Musk responded, “This is super messed up. Mature, consenting adults should do as they wish, so long as they do not harm anyone else, but this child was too young for any kind of consent”.
“Every child goes through an identity crisis, but leaping to a permanent solution that sterilizes them for life before they could possibly consent for themselves is wrong,” he said. “Plain and simple”.
Read more: Daily Wire
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